
I realized that I had not been using my Nikon DSLR system because of the inconvenience of lugging around a heavy backpack of gear.  The solution was to replace everything with a Fujifilm mirrorless X-T20 system that did everything the Nikon did in a much more compact package. This site chronicles some of the results as I learn my way around the system.

My Fujifilm system started with the 24 megapixel X-T20 mirrorless body with 10-24 f/4, 18-55 f/2.8-4 and 55-200 f/3.5-4.8 lenses. A 33mm f/1.4 and 56mm f/1.2 have now mostly replaced the need for the 18-55. In 2023 the X-T20 was upgraded to a 40 megapixel X-T5.